Examination & Promotion

Promotion Policy

Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole years’ performance of the student as per the C.C.E (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) While is a system of evaluation of student that covers all aspects of students development.

C.C.E is a process to provide holistic profile of the learner through regular assessment of both scholastic as well as co-scholastic areas.

Scholastic areas include

formative and summative assessment. Each term has two formatives and one summative assessment.

Co-Scholastic activities include

literary, aesthetic skills performing skills and club. Health and Physical education also forms an integral part of the assessment.

Co- scholastic areas are assessed on: a) life skills b) attitudes & values.

The above are evaluated and graded.

The session is spread over 2 terms, one from April to September and second from October to March.

Formative Assessment is on the basis of weekly tests, assignments, C.W., H.W., Practical’s, Projects oral testing Quiz, Experiments and other activities in class.

Summative assessment is carried out at the end of term. This is a term and exam i.e first and second term exam.